This novel is so timeless because war is a thing that everyone knows. Whether it is a personal war between you and another person or it is full out war between countries, everyone knows what it is to be fighting. This theme is a reason that this novel is so timeless. War's can effect many people in different ways. For example, it costs lives of loved ones. Molly Morden knew this personally. The war turned her into a murderer as well. The war effected her more than way more than the war effected others. On the flip side, Tonder was strongly effected by the war. Tonder was considered an excellent soldier at the beginning of this war. He gradually starts to break down as the war progresses. He gets more hystarical and becomes very lonley. An example of the beginning of his break down was when he yelled at Joseph the butler. He yelled at Joseph to get him scotch or wine, but they did not have any scotch or wine. This triggered him to admit to the other soldiers that he wanted to go home and was tired of the war. This showed the amazing effect that war took on him, thus proving that the theme of this novel is timeless. Everyone is effected by fighting and sadness, and this timeless novel showed it.
The characters in this novel also make it timeless. The most timeless character that the reader notices is the Mayor. Mayor Orden is slightly goofy, but that makes him timeless and relatable. His love and care for his town also prove him to be timeless. A relatable character is a lot easier to like, thus easier to seem timeless. Another timeless character is Doctor Winter. Doctor Winter represents a timeless character because of his wise and calm leadership skills. This makes him timeless because readers respect him. A respectable character is always a good character, which makes him more timeless. Tonder is also a timless character. He just wanted to be a respected soldier and have people on his side. He represents a human who makes mistakes and is very relatable. His sad story makes him a very timeless character. One last timeless character is Annie. Annie is not a big character in the novel, but she is timeless. She is spunky and has some slight anger managment problems. Annie is timeless because everyone likes a crazy character. She represents the women that many people know because she takes nobodies nonsense. She is that strong women who tells it like it is. Annie is definetly one of the most timeless in the novel!
Steinbeck, John. The Moon Is Down. New York: Penguin Classics, 1942. Print.
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