Mayor Orden: Mayor Orden is a very likable character in this novel. He is kind, compassionate, and quite caring. He cares for his workers, his town, and his friends. He is very well liked by his town. However, after his town is invaded, he loses some popularity. He is believed to be working with the emeny, until he begins to help out his people small ways. He risks his life to save two brothers that want to escape to sea. He also helps Molly get through the death of her husband Alex. He sends Annie there to help her out, because he cannot be there for her. He also helps Molly after she murders a soldier to avenger her husband. He helps her by giving her intructions to stay with his cousin after he knows of her trouble. These are factors that lead to his fate, but he faces his fate very bravely. He is truely a great character in this novel.
Doctor Winter: Doctor Winter is the smartest character in this novel. He is basically an unofficial leader of the town because he is so wise and so calm. Doctor Winter is also the best friend of Mayor Orden. He helps his friend make wise decisions and also helps him understand situations easier. Doctor Winter is also the person who thought of the idea to ask the English for small dynamite to help his town fight back. He knew that this was a wise choice so it would not be obvious to who did the damage. He also is a very calm man because when he faces death, and his good friend faces death as well, he talks about a passage they spoke back in school. This is just a way to calm his friend and himself down and think of a simpiler time.
Molly Morden: Molly is the wife of the one of the first men killed by the invaders. She is a strong, kind, and vengeful women. She goes to Mayor Orden after hearing about her husband's fate and begs him to do something to help him. After he let's her know there is not much he can do, she knows what will happen to her husband and has to be strong about it. After his death she is still kind to the people who treat her right, but she has changed into a vengeful person toward the soldiers. When Lieutenant Tonder shows her his vunarability, she takes her chance to avenge her husband. After she murders Tonder, she escapes town and is safe from the soldiers.
Lieutenant Tonder: Lieutenant Tonder is a character that the audience is supposed to feel sorry for. He starts off as a soldier who is pretty strong, but over the duration of the war loses some sense, He let's his nerves get the best of him and gives into the feelings he starts to feel. He begins to feel lonely, weak, and homesick. He wants to be with a women again because the war has not allowed him to because all the women in the town dislike him. He also wants to just go home. The reader can see the progression of his breakdown as he becomes more hystarical and the reader notices that he will soon make a mistake. The mistake he makes is trusting a women. This women is none other then Molly Morden, a women who's husband his army killed not long ago. He is murdered by this women because of his desperate lonliness. He represents the more human side to the soldiers, and shows that they are not as strong as they thought.
Steinbeck, John. The Moon Is Down. New York: Penguin Classics, 1942. Print.
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