Friday, August 17, 2012

The Moon is Down: Causes for gains and losses in the conflict

There are many causes to the gains and losses of the conflict.  First, the conflict must be discovered.  The conflict is of course the war, and that the conquerers are paranoid of the conquered coming after them.  Now that that is established, the analysis of the causes of the gains and the losses of the conlfict can begin.

Some causes that caused gains to the conflict were hard to find.  There were not that many positives in this story, but there were few to find.  One major gain to the conflict was when the English dropped the blue packages of dynament and chocolate to the townspeople.  This helped out the townspeople and caused the gain in the conflict of the townspeople finally fighting back.  This was a huge gain to the conflict because it started the peoples uprising.  Another gain to the conflict was when Tonder was murdered by Molly.  This showed a small vengeful act that helped the townspeople get invovled in the conflict.  It was comforting for the people to know that they could fight back and then escape from the town.  This caused a gain because it evened out the playing field between the two conflicting parties.

It was easier to spot losses to the conflict because the townspeople had less going for them.  The soliders had a lot going for them from the beginning.  One cause that caused a loss to the conflict was Alex Morden murdering that soldier.  This caused a huge loss in the conflict because it made the townspeople lose hope.  They lost hope in the mayor, they lost hope in the war, and they lost hope in fighting back.  They did get somewhat of a spark lighted, but it caused more harm than good.  Many people were fond of Alex and when he was killed it was devistating. Another loss to the conflict was when Corell exposed the mayor. Corell is very harsh and unlikable.  He wants more credit for this operation than he deserves and he would throw anyone under the bus to get it.  Correll is the reason that the mayor is arrested and sentenced to death..  This was a loss for the conflict, but it might rile up the townspeople.  The reader does not get to find out because the book ends.  This caused the soldiers to lose more than the people because now the people will fight back to avenge their mayor.  Now the soldiers will wear thin and then the townspeople will have their chance to start an uprising.  The causes to the losses of the conflict were all important to the outcome of the conflict.

Steinbeck, John. The Moon Is Down. New York: Penguin Classics, 1942. Print. 

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