The next two books I would like to compare would be the Old Man and the Sea and Catcher in the Rye. These seem to be similar because they both involve one main character going through a life changing experience. In this comparison, conflict, characters, and writing style will all be compared. These two novels both represent different time periods and struggles, but comparing them will help to understand them further.
The Old Man and the Sea and Catcher in the Rye had two very different conflicts. The main conflict in The Old man and the Sea was that this old man was struggling to catch this marlin. The Catcher in the Rye was about Holden's internal conflict of the fear of growing up leading to him to his mental and emotional breakdown. These conflicts were so different, but a different conflict with the old man might be better to compare to Holden's. The old man was struggling with himself to stay sane and to stay strong to win the battle with this marlin. He was constantly thinking aloud and trying to keep himself in check during his struggle. These two conflicts were similar and different. Holden was fighting to accept his step into the superficial adult world, while the old man was on the opposite end. The old man was already old and was trying to catch this fish as a symbol that he can do it. The conflicts of each novel revolve around the theme, so they are so differebt. The conflict that interested me more would have to be The Old Man and the Sea. It was a better struggle to watch unravel. It was also so much more interesting because things were actually happen and there was action to be read about.
The characters in each novel were completely different from each other. The old man is just a guy trying to make a living and prove that he is still capable of anything. He is great when things get tough because he hangs on and tries to go for the prize. Holden is a whiney teenager who is not emotionally mature. He cannot handle pressure very well and is slightly hypocritical. The more relatable character is probably Holden, because I know that I will face challenges of adult hood that will scare me. However, the more likable character would be the old man. He is someone who is just trying to get by and catch what he deserves. He is not cynicle or difficult like Holden. He is easier to respect and would make a better role model for the reader.
The writing style of each novel was very different. Hemingway has a classic and complex writing style. There are many hidden meanings and messages in his writings. Salinger writes very interesting. He is very keen on dialougue and he makes his characters voice his own. Salinger is easier to read. It is also more interesting to read because the perspective was spot on. Having a first person novel is a lot more interesting than a narrating third person novel. If the writing style was a contest, I would have to go with Salinger. Because of the time period difference of writing, I do not think Hemingway would be appealing to the twenty-first century mind.
Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Scribner, 1952. Print.
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