Friday, April 26, 2013

Journal 43: Mental Institute

On April 25, 2013, the junior class of Pleasant Plains took a standardized test.  Little to their knowledge, it was a test designed to inspect the mental health of the students.  There were two students who failed the test and were on their way to Pleasant Plains Mental Institute.  Those students were Katie and Allie.  However, these girls were so smart; they failed the test on purpose.  They failed this test so they could miss school and save the people at the mental institute.  They needed to save people at the institute because there was a mean supervisor named Ebenezer Syringe.  This man was evil and he liked to do experiments on the patients.  This is why Katie and Allie failed the test!  They needed to save the poor people!  They acted crazy to keep the act going on.  Katie even ate a can of sauerkraut to prove her craziness.  Allie tried not to barf when Katie was doing it.  What a brave soldier.  Allie needed to do something to prove she was crazy too, so she started talking to her dog like she normally does, but normal people think that it crazy I guess.  (Side story:  Allie went to Casey’s yesterday to pick up a pizza and brought her dog to keep her company.  She was trying to calm her dog down so she was talking to it a lot.  Little did she know the people in the car next to her had their window down much like hers, so they heard this strange obsessed dog lady talking to her dog.  Needless to say they were laughing quite a bit).  Anyway, that proved Allie’s craziness.  So Katie and Allie were admitted to the institute.  They were next to each other room to room, so they put a hole in the wall so they could talk and discuss about how to bring down Syringe.  However, this story is all of figment of Katie’s imagination and none of this happened and the mental institute in Pleasant Plains is actually an animal hospital, which showed Katie was crazy when she tried to admit herself. Poor, crazy Katie.   

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